The new Feature has been added to show who your hottest contacts are!
The scoring is based on contact activity. Activity is ANY action performed by a contact. The list and scoring is shown below.
The score range is 0-100. If anything pushes the score above 100, the score will just stop at 100. The lowest score is 0.
How to see the score and score details for your contacts:
- Contact score displays in the Contact Dashboard:
- More detailed info in Activity Log in web application on Edit Contact page. The score can be clicked to open modal itemizing events and points given for each event:
- When you click on the point value:
Contacts "earn" points by performing actions such as:
- Opting-in to Campaign = 10 points
- Opening an Email = 1 point
- Clicking on a link (email or direct sent via text/social) = 5 points
- Scheduled "event" = 5 points/ event
- Contact fills out a form on a capture page or video page = 5 points
- Contact requests a call via the new "Request a Call" button on the video pages = 5 points
- Rating increase = difference between old rating an new one (i.e. going from 2 stars to 4 stars will add 15 points)
Star Rating given by a user = 0-30 points:
- 0 Stars = 0 points
- 1 Star = 5 points
- 2 Stars = 10 points
- 3 Stars = 15 points
- 4 Stars = 25 points
- 5 Stars = 30 points
Time of video watched (Max points for any one video watched: 25 points):
Contact gets 1 point for every 20 seconds of video watched MULTIPLIED by a multiplier based on the percent watched.
- 0-19% watched = .05 multiplier
- 20-39% = .15
- 40-59% = .35
- 60-79% = .65
80-100% = 1
- For example:
- Watch 100% of a 2 minute video: 2 min X 3 pts/min X 1 = 6 points
- Watch 70% of an 8 minute video: 5.6 min X 3 pts/min X .65 = 11 points
- Watch 50% of a 30 minute video: 15 min X 3 pts/min X .35 = 16 points
Contact gets 1 point for every 20 seconds of video watched MULTIPLIED by a multiplier based on the percent watched.
Contacts lose points per these actions:
- Opt-out of campaign = -25 points
- Spam Complaint = -50 points
- Rating decrease = difference between old rating an new one (i.e. going from 4 stars to 2 stars will subtract 15 points)
Contact will also "decay" over time down to their "minimum" score (reminder: minimum score is based on star rating). Contacts start losing 1 point/day 7 days after their last activity.
Note: The scoring starts on all contacts on Sept. 7, 2017. It will not retroactively update the contacts prior to this date.