On the web:
If the contact is already created in your system:
- Please click on Contact you wish to assign a campaign to:
- Scroll down to the bottom of the screen
- Last box is 'Assign / Change Campaign'
- Click in the box, and the available campaigns will pop up
Click on the campaign you want to assign
- Click Save
If you are entering a new Contact, the assigning of campaign steps are very similar :
Click Create New Contact
Fill in required information (primary email address needs to be entered)
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen
- Last box is 'Assign / Change Campaign'
Click in the box, and the available campaigns will pop up
- Click on the campaign you want to assign
Click Save
On the App:
If the contact is already created in your system:
Click on Contacts
Click on the prospect you wish to assign the campaign
Scroll down to the bottom
Click on 'Change' next to where it says Current Campaign
- The available campaigns will pop up
- Click on the campaign you want to assign
- Click Assign
If you are entering a new Contact: