When a new contact is created with their email address AND assigned to a campaign, they get an automatic email asking them to confirm that they want to be a contact of the user. 

The Opt-in email and Day 1 email are combined.  By simply clicking on the link to watch the video in the new Opt-in/Day 1 combo, they are opted-in to the campaign.This streamlines the process for everyone and should lead to a higher contact opt-in rate.

The initial email is sent to the contact from the system by default, so that prospects are CAN-SPAM compliant as double opt-in prospects. According to the Can-Spam act of 2003, a user must agree to receive emails in a campaign.


If the prospect does not opt-in by clicking on the video link, they will not receive other campaign emails.

Once the prospect opts-in, they will not need to opt-in again if campaign is changed.

Please encourage your prospects to opt-in into campaigns by clicking on the link in the email they receive.

Alternatively, you can send them any individual resource link as a one time email for which they do not need to opt-in.